James Cashman Middle School Orchestra
Four levels of orchestra instruction (for violin, viola, cello, and bass) are offered for 240+ students.
Students are assigned according to ability into one of three groups: Beginning, Intermediate, or Chamber.
98% of the students that begin orchestra have no previous experience.
Additionally, Chamber Orchestra students have the equivalent of two periods due to their participation in extended day classes.
Awards & Accolades
The CMS Orchestra has received First Division ratings in the Clark County School District Advanced Orchestra Festival consistently since the 2008-2009 school year.
The Nevada American String Teachers Association Orchestra Festival has awarded First Division ratings for five consecutive years.
99% of the students who perform in the Regional Solo & Ensemble Competition receive a First Place rating.
During the 2016-17 school year, the Chamber Orchestra was one of three nationally selected middle school orchestras invited to perform at the prestigious Midwest Clinic in Chicago.
The Chamber Orchestra was one of seven nationally selected middle school orchestras to perform at the National Orchestra Festival, held in conjunction with the American String Teachers Association National Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, March, 2019.
All orchestras were awarded a Gold rating at the Forum Music Festival, California, 2023.
The Chamber Orchestra was awarded 1st Place and Grand Champion at the ASTA 2024 National Conference in Louisville, Kentucky.